Labor Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Services
The Labor Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security project is awarded to the University of Michigan, USA and Institute for Social and Environmental Research-Nepal, Nepal. The work is based on work supported by the Economic and Social Research Council under Award No. ES/L012065/1, DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme.
Labor Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security is a three-year project under DFID -ESRC Growth Research Programme launched on October 1, 2014 with the aim to investigate the consequences of labor outmigration on agricultural productivity in a poor agricultural country persistently facing food security problems. Specifically, the study aims to answer three high priority scientific and policy-relevant questions:
- To what extent does labor outmigration influence (i) agricultural productivity, (ii) women’s participation in farming, and (iii) exit from farming?
- To what extent do remittances influence (i) farm technology use, (ii) women’s participation in farming, and (iii) exit from farming?
- To what extent do farm technology use and exit from farming influence subsequent outmigration?