The Labor Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security project is awarded to the University of Michigan, USA and Institute for Social and Environmental Research-Nepal, Nepal. The work is based on work supported by the Economic and Social Research Council under Award No. ES/L012065/1, DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme.

Labor Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security is a three-year project under DFID -ESRC Growth Research Programme launched on October 1, 2014 with the aim to investigate the consequences of labor outmigration on agricultural productivity in a poor agricultural country persistently facing food security problems. Specifically, the study aims to answer three high priority scientific and policy-relevant questions:

  • To what extent does labor outmigration influence (i) agricultural productivity, (ii) women’s participation in farming, and (iii) exit from farming?
  • To what extent do remittances influence (i) farm technology use, (ii) women’s participation in farming, and (iii) exit from farming?
  • To what extent do farm technology use and exit from farming influence subsequent outmigration?